Monday, July 30, 2012

Evan and his new moves :)

Evan can now "dance", which is really cute.  It doesn't matter what song it is, he'll start getting down.  He's getting too big on me.  His other new accomplishment is saying "dada".  I don't think he knows what it means but he can say it at least! He says, "momma", "dada", "bye bye", and other random baby talk.  He has also mastered waving back if somone waves at him.  Still can't crawl but he can scoot around like a pro haha.  I'm thinking he's just going to skip crawling and go straight to walking.

On another note, I've been looking into a theme for his first birthday! Construction and barnyard are the options.  They have some super cute decorations and cakes for both. I'm leaning more towards barnyard though!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Weekend at the farm...and more decorating!

Steven, Evan, and myself went to the farm on Thursday night and stayed until Saturday afternoon. We had a blast! Evan loved playing with Grammy, and I loved the food, and the company of course :).  We had bbq ribs, corn, potato salad, baked beans and chocolate pie, it was beyond good.  Steven loved working outside with Grandaddy of course.  It was a great visit. After we left the farm we went to Steven's cousins graduation party in Florence, then back home later that evening.  Made for a long day!  Evan is exhausted, which is to be expected.  So hopefully we'll get some down time this week.

This is one wall hanging that I got to hang over his bed, I thought it was a great addition to his room :).

Evan was having a blast playing with Grammy's wooden spoons in the high chair that all the grandkids sat in. :)

Evan's room is coming along nicely! I couldn't get a good picture of the whole room, but it is painted, one wall is yellow, one is red, one is blue and one is tan. Sounds crazy, but it turned out pretty good. I ordered some really cute things from Etsy for the walls, and now I'm patiently awaiting their arrival so I can hang them! I'm almost done painting the letters for his wall above the bed then they'll be going up. SO excited for it to be compeletely done!! :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Re-decorating and much, much, more

These past few days have been so extrememly busy that I haven't had a second to post anything.  I had extra time last night but of course the internet was down.  Steven took off last week to recuperate from his run-in with a bull, so that was distracting in itself haha.  Between that and Pa in the hospital I was either at the hospital or trying to get Steven to not mess up the house, it didn't really work.  Which means this week I get to completely clean the whole house, not looking forward to it at all.  On the up side, Steven did cook supper for me last night and it was great, even if I did have to clean the mess up. 
 My child is so, so spoiled.  I can't put him down for a second without him crying to get anything down.  Don't know what I'm gonna do about that.  I am officially starting his room this week, which I am stressing like no other about.  I love doing projects but they overwhelm me.  I'll post pictures of my progress throughout. 

My last rant for today is one of my classes might be cancelled forcing me to drive to to Richmond for it on Tuesday, which would mean I would have a Monday night class, 6-9pm, Tuesday night 5-9pm, but after I drove home from Richmond I wouldn't get here till around 10pm.  Also, Wednesday 9am-6pm, SO if they cancel my Corbin class on Wednesday I'm gonna be pretty upset.  That would mean more time away from Evan.  :(  Maybe it'll all work out, but for now I'm going to go paint the letters for Evan's name for his wall, lets hope they turn out ok!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Just another day in the neighborhood :)

Woke up this morning to very loud power tools, at 8am.  That being said, me and Evan don't get up till 10 or later haha!  So, needless to say today has been a day.  Evan was very grouchy until he took his lunch nap, and then he was much better behaved. Around one I had to take my nanny to the hospital because my papaw got admitted.  He has some kind of an infection and is having to stay overnight.  In between all this I did get to go to the track and walk with one of my friends and her baby, and of course Evan, he loved that.  Although, the walking probably didn't do any good since we went for ice cream right after haha! But it was nice just to get out for a while. 
I also have a project that I'm about to start on, and I'm pretty excited about it.  I'm redoing the dining room an making it into Evan's own room, I think it's time for him to graduate not only to his own bed but also to his own room.  I got some letters to spell Evan Lane at Hobby Lobby that I plan on painting and hanging above his new bed, when it gets here.  He's getting his own bedroom suit too! I still have to repaint the room and get some little things to decorate with.  Hopefully it turns out as good as it looks in my head. :)  My goal is to get it done before I go back to school August 23, so we'll see.  I'm afraid this semester will be hectic enough without having an extra project.  I will miss having everyday just to play with Evan, he'll have to share me with homework and school.
Now I have to go finish laundry before Evan wakes up from his third nap today.  Hopefully he'll sleep tonight haha!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Evan Lane, 8 months old

This is my very first time blogging and I'm pretty excited about starting!  I wish I would have started this right after Evan was born to keep track of all his milestones, but I failed to do so.  So now my baby is 8 months old, and just got his first busted lip, not a milestone that I was looking forward to.  He currently has 7 going on 8 teeth, but still cannot crawl (not complaining).  He's getting big way faster than I want him to, it'll be time for another baby soon haha! I miss the newborn stage but I really love watching him grow and learn new things, he picks things up SO fast! He has now accomplished shaking his head no, I'm sure he don't know what it means yet, but it's pretty darn cute.  On another note, I'm very excited to start planning my sister-in-laws baby shower. We'll be welcoming little Maria Nicole Cloud in November :).  I've went wild shopping for her, girls are so fun to shop for. On top of that my friend since grade school is having a girl also, in October. So many babies!  But it's been a long day, and Evan's asleep (in his own bed!!) so I'm going to join him, in my bed :) Night all!