Monday, July 9, 2012

Evan Lane, 8 months old

This is my very first time blogging and I'm pretty excited about starting!  I wish I would have started this right after Evan was born to keep track of all his milestones, but I failed to do so.  So now my baby is 8 months old, and just got his first busted lip, not a milestone that I was looking forward to.  He currently has 7 going on 8 teeth, but still cannot crawl (not complaining).  He's getting big way faster than I want him to, it'll be time for another baby soon haha! I miss the newborn stage but I really love watching him grow and learn new things, he picks things up SO fast! He has now accomplished shaking his head no, I'm sure he don't know what it means yet, but it's pretty darn cute.  On another note, I'm very excited to start planning my sister-in-laws baby shower. We'll be welcoming little Maria Nicole Cloud in November :).  I've went wild shopping for her, girls are so fun to shop for. On top of that my friend since grade school is having a girl also, in October. So many babies!  But it's been a long day, and Evan's asleep (in his own bed!!) so I'm going to join him, in my bed :) Night all!


  1. This is your first post! You've already got the hang of it and I can hardly wait to see more! Evan looks just like Steven in that picture. Hope his little lip heals soon!

  2. His lip feels some better today! Just a little purple.
